
Data protection

Below you will find the data protection information for the website

H&B Real Estate AG explicitly ensures compliance with Swiss data protection regulations. H&B Real Estate commits to ensuring security according to current technical standards for systems, programs, etc., that it owns and has influence over. H&B Real Estate AG secures the website and related systems through appropriate technical and organizational measures against loss, destruction, access, alteration, or dissemination of data by unauthorized persons.

H&B Real Estate AG undertakes not to disclose user data to third parties unrelated to contract fulfillment. H&B Real Estate AG may disclose personal data to authorities in Switzerland and abroad within the scope of civil, administrative, and criminal proceedings if there is a valid and enforceable judgment, order, or legal obligation. Operations on the system and traffic data are logged by H&B Real Estate AG or third-party providers and stored in accordance with legal requirements and for the statutory period.

The responsible party for data processing on this website is:

H&B Real Estate
Lagerstrasse 107
8004 Zurich
[email protected]

Our data protection officer is

H&B Real Estate
Lagerstrasse 107
8004 Zurich
[email protected]

For asserting rights regarding data protection or for questions regarding the use, collection, or processing of your personal data, please contact: [email protected]

Security and protection of your personal data

We consider it our primary task to maintain the confidentiality of the personal data you provide and to protect it from unauthorized access.

As a private-law company, we are subject to the provisions of the Swiss Data Protection Act (DSG). We have taken technical and organizational measures to ensure that the data protection regulations are observed both by us and by our external service providers.


The legislator requires that personal data be processed lawfully, in good faith, and proportionately. To ensure this, we inform you about the individual legal definitions used in these data protection notices:

(1) Personal data must be processed lawfully.
(2) Processing must be done in good faith and be proportionate.
(3) Personal data may only be obtained for a specific and recognizable purpose; they may only be processed in a manner that is compatible with this purpose.
(4) They are destroyed or anonymized as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose of processing.
(5) Anyone processing personal data must ensure their accuracy. They must take all reasonable measures to correct, delete, or destroy data that is incorrect or incomplete with regard to the purpose of its collection or processing. The adequacy of the measures depends in particular on the nature and scope of the processing and the risk it poses to the personality or fundamental rights of the data subjects.
(6) If the consent of the data subject is required, this consent is only valid if it is given voluntarily for one or more specific processing operations after adequate information.
(7) The consent must be explicit for:
a. the processing of particularly sensitive personal data;
b. profiling with a high risk by a private person; or
c. profiling by a federal authority

Information about the collection of personal data

Below, we inform you about the collection of personal data when using our website. Personal data includes, for example, name, address, email addresses, and user behavior.

Collection of personal data when visiting our website

When you visit our website for informational purposes only, i.e., if you do not register or otherwise provide us with information, we only collect the personal data that your browser sends to our server. If you want to view our website, we collect the following data, which is technically necessary for us to display our website to you and to ensure its stability and security:

IP address
Date and time of the request
Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Content of the request (specific page)
Access status/HTTP status code
Amount of data transferred in each case
Website from which the request comes
Operating system and its interface
Language and version of the browser software

After a technical evaluation, this data is deleted immediately. This data collection serves to maintain our website’s proper presentation, as well as in the interest of security and confidentiality.

Cookie Consent Tool

To obtain effective user consent for consent-required cookies and cookie-based applications, we use the Cookiebot cookie consent tool from the provider Usercentrics from Denmark.

By integrating this consent tool, users are shown a banner when accessing the page, in which they can give consent for specific cookies and/or cookie-based applications by checking a box. The tool blocks the setting of all consent-required cookies until the respective user gives consent by checking the appropriate boxes. This ensures that such cookies are only set on your respective device in case of your consent. In order for the Cookie Consent Tool to be able to assign page views to individual users, and to log and store the consent settings made by you for the duration of a session, certain user information (including IP address) is collected when our website is accessed by the Cookie Consent Tool, transmitted to the provider’s server, and stored there. This data disclosure is made in accordance with Art. 45c lit. b of the Swiss Federal Telecommunications Act (hereinafter FMG). As the controller, we are legally obliged to make the use of technically unnecessary cookies dependent on the respective user’s consent.

By using our website, access to information (e.g., IP address) or storage of information (e.g., cookies) on your end devices may occur. With this access or storage, further processing of personal data within the meaning of the DSG may be associated.

Use of Cookies

In addition to the data mentioned above, cookies or similar technologies such as pixels (collectively “cookies”) are used on your computer when you use and visit our website. Cookies are either small databases stored by your browser on your device to store certain information, or image files such as pixels. When you revisit our website with the same device, the information stored in cookies is either sent back to our website (“first-party cookie”) or to another website to which the cookie belongs (“third-party cookie”). The respective website uses the stored and returned information to recognize that you have already accessed and visited it with the browser of your device. We use this information to optimize and display the website according to your preferences. Only the cookie itself is identified on your device. Further storage of personal data only takes place with your express consent or if this is absolutely necessary to use the service offered and accessed by you. This website uses the following types of cookies, the scope and functionality of which are explained below:
• Absolutely necessary cookies (type a)
• Functional and performance cookies (type b)
• Consent-required cookies (type c)

Absolutely necessary cookies (type a)

Absolutely necessary cookies ensure functions without which you cannot use our websites as intended. These cookies are used exclusively by us and are therefore first-party cookies. This means that all information stored in the cookies is returned to our website. Absolutely necessary cookies, for example, ensure that you remain logged in as a registered user when accessing various subpages of our website and do not have to enter your login data again each time you access a new page. The use of absolutely necessary cookies on our website is possible without your consent. For this reason, absolutely necessary cookies cannot be individually deactivated or activated. However, you have the option to deactivate cookies in your browser settings at any time (see below).

Functional and Performance Cookies (Type b)

Functional cookies enable our website to store information such as registered name or language selection, allowing us to offer improved and more personalized features based on this information. These cookies collect and store exclusively anonymized information, so they cannot track your movements on other websites. Performance cookies gather information about how our websites are used, enabling us to improve their attractiveness, content, and functionality. For example, they help us determine which subpages of our website are visited and which content users are particularly interested in. Specifically, we collect the number of page views, the number of subpages accessed, the time spent on our website, the sequence of pages visited, search terms that lead you to us, the country, region, and potentially the city from which access is made, as well as the proportion of mobile devices accessing our websites. Furthermore, we track movements, clicks, and scrolling with the computer mouse to understand which areas of our website are of particular interest to users. Subsequently, we can tailor the content of our website more effectively to the needs of our users and optimize our offering. The IP address of your computer, transmitted for technical reasons, is automatically anonymized and does not allow us to draw conclusions about individual users. You can object to the use of functional and performance cookies at any time by adjusting your cookie settings.

Consent-required cookies (Type c)

Cookies that are neither strictly necessary (Type a) nor functional or performance cookies (Type b) are only used with your consent. We reserve the right to use information obtained through cookies from an anonymized analysis of the user behavior of visitors to our websites to display specific advertising for certain of our products on our own websites. We believe that as a user, you benefit from this because we display advertising or content that we believe matches your interests based on your browsing behavior, thereby reducing the amount of randomly distributed advertising or certain content that may be less interesting to you. Marketing cookies come from external advertising companies (Third Party Cookies) and are used to collect information about the websites visited by the user in order to create targeted advertising for the user.

The processing of cookies is based on the provisions of Article 45c lit. b FMG.

Opt-out for Marketing Cookies

You can also manage cookies used for online advertising through tools developed within the framework of self-regulatory programs in many countries, such as those based in the USA ( or in the EU (

Management and deletion of all cookies

We would like to point out that you can also set your Internet browser to prevent cookies from being stored on your device in general or to prompt you each time whether you agree to the setting of cookies. Once set, you can also delete cookies at any time. You can find out how to do this in the help function of your browser.

The cookies and third-party requests described above are set on your device by the following services through our website:

Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

This website uses Google Analytics 4, a service provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (“Google”), which allows the analysis of website usage.

Google Ads

Our website uses Google Ads, an online advertising measure carried out in cooperation with Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. The purpose is to guide visitors to our website by targeting a specific audience. Within this online advertising program, we also use Google Conversion Tracking. After clicking on a Google ad, a cookie is placed for the purpose of conversion tracking. These cookies, small databases, are stored by your web browser on your device. Through the cookie, Google and we recognize that you have clicked on an ad and visited our website. Each Google Ads customer receives a unique cookie that cannot be tracked by other Ads customers. The conversion cookies are used only to create conversion statistics for Ads customers using conversion tracking. These statistics show how many users clicked on their ads and were redirected to pages with the conversion tracking tag. However, no information is provided that enables personal identification of users. If you do not wish to participate in tracking, you can object to its use by disabling the conversion cookie in your browser settings. This prevents you from being included in the conversion tracking statistics. The provider has signed the standard contractual clauses recognized by the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) of the prevailing EU data protection requirements ( For more information on Google Ads and Google Conversion Tracking, please refer to Google’s privacy policy:

Google Tag Manager

We use Google Tag Manager. The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. With the Google Tag Manager solution, you have the option for marketing purposes to manage the handling of website tags through an intuitive user interface. The Tag Manager is solely responsible for monitoring the triggering of tags. Referring to these specific third-party providers, corresponding explanations are available in the privacy policies. However, this information is not used by the Google Tag Manager platform. If you have set deactivation of cookies or made other adjustments, these settings will be considered for all tracking tags used with the Google Tag Manager, so the tool does not make any changes to your cookie settings.

We would like to inform you that you can refuse cookies. You can deactivate them at any time in your web browser.


We have embedded videos from the provider YouTube, Google Ireland Limited Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4. Ireland, into our online offering, which are stored on and can be played directly from our website. We have no influence on this data transmission. The purpose of the processing is marketing-related.

By visiting the website, YouTube receives the information that you have accessed the respective subpage of our website. This happens regardless of whether YouTube provides a user account through which you are logged in or whether no user account exists. If you are logged in to Google, your data will be directly associated with your account. If you do not wish for this association with your profile on YouTube, you must log out before activating the button. YouTube stores your data as usage profiles and uses them for purposes of advertising, market research, and/or personalized design of the website. Such evaluation is also carried out (even for users who are not logged in) to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You have the right to object to the creation of these user profiles, but you must contact YouTube to exercise this right.

It may be that in this context, data from users are processed on systems outside of Switzerland. Data transfers abroad can be based on the provisions of Art. 17 DPA. Further information on the purpose and scope of data collection and its processing by YouTube can be found in YouTube’s privacy policy. There you will also find further information on your rights and options for protecting your privacy:

To protect your rights and personal data, we have integrated YouTube with a so-called two-click solution, which only transmits data to Google after you have explicitly activated the video function. It may be that in this context, data from users are processed on systems outside of Switzerland. Data transfers abroad can be based on the provisions of Art. 17 DPA.

We would like to inform you that you can refuse cookies. You can deactivate them at any time in your web browser. Furthermore, Google offers a number of options to object to the collection of personal data by Google:


The analysis software Hotjar is used on this website. The provider is Hotjar Ltd., 3 Lyons Range, 20 Bisazza Street, Sliema SLM 1640, Malta.

By using Hotjar, we are able to analyze user behavior on the website more precisely and optimize it further. The information collected here (mouse movements, clicks, scroll movements) is anonymized and transmitted to Hotjar. Entered information is made unrecognizable on our website before being transmitted to Hotjar. Hotjar, in turn, creates reports from this information, which are made available to us for analysis and evaluation. In order to analyze users and their use of our website across pages, Hotjar stores a cookie on the user’s computer.

We would like to inform you that you can refuse cookies. You can deactivate them at any time in your web browser.

Further information on data protection can be found at

The following social networks are integrated on our website:

Facebook Fan Page

We have integrated a component of the Facebook service on our website, which is a link to our Facebook fan page. We use the technical platform of Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland (hereinafter: Facebook) for the information service offered here.

There is a joint responsibility within the meaning of Art. 33 DPA between Facebook and the operator of a Facebook fan page for the personal data processed via the Facebook fan page. For this reason, we have concluded an agreement with Facebook on joint responsibility.

When accessing a Facebook fan page, the IP address of your device is transmitted to Facebook. According to Facebook, this IP address is anonymized and deleted after 90 days. Furthermore, Facebook stores additional information about the devices of its users, e.g. the Internet browser used. Facebook may thus be able to assign IP addresses to individual users. If you are logged into your Facebook account while visiting our fan page, there is a cookie with your Facebook identification on your device. Because of this cookie, Facebook can track that you visited our fan page and how you used it. Facebook uses this information to present you with content or advertising tailored to you. If you do not wish this to happen, you should log out of your Facebook account or disable the “stay logged in” function. We also recommend deleting the cookies on your device and restarting and relaunching your browser. By doing this, Facebook information will be deleted, through which Facebook can establish a connection to you. However, if you want to use the interactive functions of our fan page, you would have to log in to Facebook again with your Facebook login information. This would enable Facebook to establish a connection to you again. The extent to which Facebook uses the data from visits to Facebook pages for its own purposes, the extent to which activities on the Facebook page are assigned to individual users, how long Facebook stores this data, and whether data from visits to the Facebook page is disclosed to third parties is not conclusively and clearly specified by Facebook and is not known to us. As a user of our fan page, we can only refer you to Facebook’s statements on data protection in this regard. The data collected about you in this context is processed by Facebook and may be transferred to countries outside Switzerland and the European Union.

Information about what information Facebook receives and how it is used is described by Facebook in general terms in its data usage policy. There you will also find information about how to contact Facebook and how to adjust your advertising settings. Facebook’s privacy policy is available at the following link:

The provider has signed the standard contractual clauses recognized by the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) of the prevailing data protection requirements of the EU (


We have integrated a link to the LinkedIn portal on our website. The professional network “LinkedIn” is operated by LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland.

We maintain our own company page on LinkedIn. This serves as an active and contemporary means of addressing potential employees in a professional environment. On this page, we also share information about our company, presenting ourselves externally in this way.

We are jointly responsible with LinkedIn for the operation of the page and thus maintain a so-called “joint responsibility” towards the user. We have concluded a corresponding agreement with LinkedIn in accordance with Art. 33 DPA.

It may be that in this context, data from users are processed on systems outside of Switzerland. Data transfers abroad can be based on the provisions of Art. 17 DPA.

Detailed information on the processing and use of data by us and by LinkedIn, as well as a contact option and your rights and options for protecting your privacy, can be found in LinkedIn’s privacy policy:


When contacting us by email or through our contact form, the data you provide (your email address, possibly your name and telephone number) will be stored by us in order to answer your questions. We delete the data that arises in this context after storage is no longer necessary, for example, when your request has been dealt with. Otherwise, processing will be restricted if there are legal retention obligations. In the event of contract negotiations resulting from the contact, we will process the data accordingly as described above. The legal basis for this data processing is your consent.

Duration of processing

We only process your data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill our contract or legal requirements and to maintain our relationship with you. We will inform you about the specific storage period of the data in the context of the respective description of the individual data processing. If you do not find a specific indication of the storage period there, it is not possible for us to specify such a period because it depends on various individual factors (e.g. the duration of the contract, assertion of claims, etc.). In these cases, we base the duration of storage on the principles of data minimization and proportionality.

Business documents are kept for a maximum of 6 and 10 years in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Code and the Fiscal Code.

As long as you do not object or revoke your consent, we will use your data to maintain and intensify our trusting business relationship for mutual benefit.

If you wish to delete your data, we will delete it immediately, provided that there are no legal retention obligations preventing this.

Rights of the data subject

Right to information

(1) If personal data are processed, you can request information about this and the following information at any time: (2) You will receive the information necessary for you to exercise your rights and for us to ensure transparent data processing. In any case, we will provide you with the following information: a. Information about us as the responsible party b. the categories of personal data processed by us; c. the purpose for which your data is processed by us; d. the storage duration of the personal data or, if this is not possible, the criteria for determining this duration; e. the available information about the origin of your personal data, if the data was not collected directly from you as the data subject; f. possibly the existence of an automated individual decision-making process and the logic behind the decision; g. possibly the recipients or categories of recipients to whom personal data are disclosed, as well as the information under Article 19 paragraph 4 DPA (3) Personal data relating to health may be disclosed to you as the data subject with your consent by a healthcare professional designated by you. (4) If we, as the responsible party, have personal data processed by a processor, we are obligated to provide you with information about this.

We, as the responsible party, must provide the information free of charge. The Federal Council may provide for exceptions, in particular if the effort is disproportionate. (6) Information is usually provided within 30 days.

Right to data disclosure or transfer

(1) You as the data subject can request us as the responsible party to disclose your personal data to you, which have been made known to you by us, in a common electronic format if: a. the processing is carried out using automated processes; and b. the data is processed with the consent of the data subject or in direct connection with the conclusion or performance of a contract between the controller and the data subject. (2) You as the data subject can also request us as the responsible party to transfer your personal data to another controller if the conditions of paragraph 1 are met, if this is technically feasible, and if this does not require disproportionate effort. (3) We, as the responsible party, must disclose or transfer personal data free of charge. The Federal Council may provide for exceptions, in particular if the effort is disproportionate.

Limitations of the right to data disclosure or transfer

(1) We, as the responsible party, may refuse, restrict, or postpone the disclosure or transfer of personal data for the reasons stated in Article 26 paragraphs 1 and 2 DPA.

Privacy policy for applicants

We are pleased that you are interested in us and have applied or are applying for a position in our company. We would like to provide you with information on the processing of your personal data in connection with the application.

Which data about you are processed by us? And for what purposes?

We process the data that you have sent us in connection with your application to check your suitability for the position (or other open positions in our company) and to conduct the application process.

On what legal basis is this based?

The processing of the data is permissible, which is necessary in connection with the decision on the establishment of an employment relationship.

How long will the data be stored?

In the event of rejection, applicant data will be deleted after 6 months. In the event that you have consented to further storage of your personal data, we will include your data in our applicant pool. There, the data will be deleted after two years.

If you have been awarded a position as part of the application process, the data from the applicant data system will be transferred to our personnel information system.

To which recipients are the data passed on?

Your applicant data will be reviewed by the HR department upon receipt of your application. Suitable applications will then be forwarded internally to the department heads responsible for the respective open position. The further procedure will then be coordinated. In principle, only persons in the company who require access to your data for the proper conduct of our application process have access to your data.

Where are the data processed?

The data is processed exclusively in data centers in Switzerland.


Our offer is generally aimed at adults. Persons under 18 years of age should not transmit personal data to us without the consent of their parents or legal guardians.

Legal validity

Should parts or individual formulations of this text not, no longer, or not completely correspond to the current legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity.